b Papa Dog's Blog: It's MLK Day, Which is a Holiday, So Don't Give Me a Hard Time About the Dinky Post

Papa Dog's Blog

A Thing Wherein I Infrequently Write Some Stuff

Monday, January 17, 2005

It's MLK Day, Which is a Holiday, So Don't Give Me a Hard Time About the Dinky Post

Baby Dog started to act up at the doctor’s office, but she fell asleep in the car on the way back, and I managed to get her out of the car seat and into the crib without waking her. This was no mean feat, because Doggy Dog was just then starting to go berserk in anticipation of evening walkies. He started to bark and I had to drag him into the kitchen and put him in a headlock until Mama Dog was ready to put the leash on. She managed to get him out without the baby waking. Minor miracles. They get you through the week.

So – as mentioned, I finished my story. If there’s anybody who hasn’t already seen it and wants to, send me an e-mail.


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