b Papa Dog's Blog: In Which I Finally Descend to the Depths of Posting About a Trip to the Dentist

Papa Dog's Blog

A Thing Wherein I Infrequently Write Some Stuff

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

In Which I Finally Descend to the Depths of Posting About a Trip to the Dentist

One last day of vacation today, though I can’t say I was too keen on the reason for it: I was due for a cleaning at Dr. Kamunist’s. It turned out to be one of the more involved sessions in recent history, including use of the ultrasonic doodad reserved for when your teeth are particularly crap. I’ve come a long way since embarking on a program of extreme dentition six or seven or however many years ago, and had grown a little complacent, I suppose. Recent checkups had been breezy affairs, no longer involving the full Marathon Man. In addition to the ultrasonic and the usual scratchings and scrapings, I also had to get the quadrennial head-aglow complement of x-rays. On top of that when Dr. Kamunist himself checked in he diagnosed a lower tooth as cracked and in need of a crown. I got back for that in July and gosh darn it, I’m looking forward to it!


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