b Papa Dog's Blog: Baby Dog's Greatest Hits

Papa Dog's Blog

A Thing Wherein I Infrequently Write Some Stuff

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Baby Dog's Greatest Hits

There’s been a side effect of our recent embrace of Napster that was unanticipated but probably shouldn’t have been. Namely, it’s become Baby Dog’s favourite source of music. Not that she knows one way or another how the music’s being played, but when she settles into the highchair for breakfast, she immediately points at the computer and says “Music?” Moreover, she’s been requesting songs. She had favourites already – she knew “Over the Rainbow” from the musical butterfly in her crib and “Nobody Does it Better” from Mama Dog singing it to her. As we’ve been playing a wider range of things off the Napster, she’s accumulated more favourites. Here’s the order of things: first she asks for apple juice, then while I’m getting the apple juice, she asks for “Somewhere.” While I’m clicking on “Over the Rainbow,” she asks for “Nobody.” I have to ask then if she means “Nobody Does it Better” or “Nobody Knows the Troubles I’ve Seen.” Rarely does she answer. To simplify matters, I’ve compiled a playlist called “Baby Dog’s Greatest Hits.” At the moment it includes:

Over the Rainbow (Single Version), Judy Garland
Nobody Does it Better, Carly Simon
Chantilly Lace, The Big Bopper
Badlands, Bruce Springsteen
I Know an Old Lady, Pete Seeger
Nobody Knows the Troubles I’ve Seen, Paul Robeson
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimawah), The Tokens
Sloop John B, The Beach Boys
Little Bitty Pretty One, Bobby Day
The Cat Came Back, Macabre Minstrels
Ain’t Got No Home, Clarence “Frogman” Henry

A pretty eclectic list, though it tilts heavily towards jukebox favourites from the late 50s and early 60s. They’re all songs that Baby Dog has either expressed an appreciation for or that we have assumed she’d like and been borne out by practice (i.e., The Lion Sleeps Tonight). Nobody was more surprised than me that she was so into Paul Robeson. And finding out that she liked the melody of Badlands was a complete surprise.

I also played Abba tunes for her once, figuring they’d appeal to a less-than-two year old. They didn’t seem to make much of an impression at the time, but later she started requesting “Abba.” I figure the name just stuck in her memory because of its similarity to “ABC.” But maybe I’ll play it for her again in the by and by.


Blogger Tarz said...

Other songs Baby Dog would like:

- Banana Boat by Henry Belafonte
-Flat Foot Floogie
-Yes, we have no bananas
-Friendship (from Anything Goes)

10:33 AM  

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